Other Publications

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St Mary's Church is one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings in Bedford. Situated on an ancient crossroads, its tower has been a major landmark to travellers for at least a thousand years. The stones may not be able to reveal all their secrets, but they can give us important clues about the history of the building and the characters associated with it. This booklet puts together some of the fragments from the past to tell the story of St Mary's Church.

This booklet, first published in 1982, illustrates and describes various unusual buildings, statues and other sites from around Bedfordshire, most of which can be seen from public roads and footpaths. One of our most popular booklets, it is an interesting and enjoyable booklet to pick up and flick through.

Available from St Mary's Church, £2. 

Feudal Fun is an activity book for children with colouring in and other activities to aid in learning about archaeology and the past.

Click the image to download a copy.

Sandy was first described as a source of Roman objects by John Aubrey in Monumenta Britannica in 1666, though many of the major finds from Sandy came in the 19th century when the railway was built, and gravedigging during the 20th century produced hundreds more objects. This booklet about the Roman past of Sandy, was created following excavations in 1988 and 1991 and draws upon on all we know of Sandy. 

Click on the image to download a copy.